Thursday, July 25, 2013

Steptone Mother / Stepped Tone Generator


The desktop and module versions of the Stepped Tone Generator by Forrest M. Mims III.
My desktop version makes use of two 555 ICs whereas the module has a 556.

The yellow box was given as greeting on my nephew's name giving day and it was full of sweets! The knobs are salvaged by an old n broken hifi amplifier while the light thingy was a 0,50€ reading light.

It features the frequency and pulse width controls, as well as a switch that incorporates a photoresistor that can be driven by the LED above it. There's another potentiometer that does something and a push button bypassed with a switch that also do something, but I don't remember exactly what I have done in there!


Aaaand that's my take on the legendary Atari Punk Console that went modular.

Frequency, Pulse Width, Volume and Power Switch, with a bright blue 5mm LED.

I'm planning on a modification for a CV input...

DIY-etched PCB, (using hydrochloric acid and perhydrol on the process), as designed by Worth Ekik (I wonder where his site has gone, so here's a link for the layout from get lofi.

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